Editors Note: We knew serious coffee people were nuts… but coffee in your meatloaf? Yup — seriously. Check out these three recipes for Brownies, Meatloaf, and a killer Coffee Sauce.
Everyone has heard of using coffee flavors in dessert. But you can also add a distinctive flavor to lots of other dishes as well. This can be done by making barbecue sauces and glazes for your meats with a coffee recipe. You can also put coffee in your favorite chili or pot roast recipe.
It is always better to use fresh ingredients in a recipe and coffee is no exception. Make sure that it is fresh by buying it freshly ground or by grinding your own. (Which is a great reason to have your own coffee grinding machine!) If your recipe calls for brewed coffee, don’t use some that has been sitting around since morning time. Brew your coffee right before using it. You will want to make the coffee you put in your recipes stronger than what you would drink because it is going to be mixed in with other ingredients.
Here are a few recipes for you to try.
Coffee Meatloaf Sauce: Combine a quarter cup of each of these ingredients: water, dry red wine and Worcestershire sauce. Add one half cup of ketchup, two teaspoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of brown sugar and an ounce of margarine. Mix and add one tablespoon of instant coffee. Prepare you favorite meatloaf recipe and place it in a preheated 375 degree oven. After it cooks for 1/2 hour, pour the sauce over it and continue to bake for 45 more minutes. It will come out tender and delicious!
Espresso Brownies: Heat a cup of sugar, a 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 and 1/2 sticks of butter in a sauce pan over low heat. Add one teaspoon of vanilla, 4 ounces of chopped, semi-sweet chocolate and stir until melted together. Then add one tablespoon of dark roast coffee and mix everything together and let it cool down. Fold in three eggs and a cup of flour. Pour your mixture into a 8 x 11 inch baking pan and bake in a 350 degree oven for thirty minutes. Yum!
Quick Coffee Sauce: Combine one cup of sugar with one cup of strong Colombian coffee. Boil and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Turn the heat down and simmer for three more minutes. Let it cool and use it to pour over any kind of meal
Written by Tammara Cameron – About the Author: To learn more about green coffee makers visit http://www.greencoffeemaker.org.