Kirkland Signature Colombian Supremo
- offers unparalleled flavor
- Unique taste
- Delicious whole bean roasted
“Kirkland Signature” is Costco’s private label. It is sold by Costco at their website and warehouses, and is trademarked by the company. The name is derived from the location (from 1987 to 1996) of Costco’s corporate headquarters, Kirkland, Washington.
Costco introduced Kirkland Signature as its private label in 1992. The idea was to provide brand name quality products at discounted prices. To counteract the consumer confidence problem common in store branding, Kirkland Signature occasionally employs co-branding. According to Costco, while consumers may be wary of same-store branding, they are less likely to be wary of brands that they are familiar with and trust.
Signatures Kirkland Details
Trading as Costco, is an American multinational corporation which operates a chain of membership-only warehouse clubs. As of 2015, Costco was the second largest retailer in the world after Walmart, and as of 2016, Costco was the world’s largest retailer of choice and prime beef, organic foods, rotisserie chicken, and wine.
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Kirkland Signature Colombian Supremo
- offers unparalleled flavor
- Unique taste
- Delicious whole bean roasted
Size: 3 pounds
Caffeine options: Regular
Cost per ounce: $0.52/oz.
Coffee Beans: 100% Arabica
Kirkland Signature Colombian Supremo
- offers unparalleled flavor
- Unique taste
- Delicious whole bean roasted