“Roast coffee with the greatest care—for here lies the secret of success in coffee-making—and in small quantities.”
Never underestimate what delicious treasure may be found in our rich heritage. The New Practical Housekeeping, a book published in 1890, was dedicated to “those housewives who cannot afford to employ a french cook.” (Even then the French has a reputation for making great coffee!)
It contains some excellent coffee recipes which we thought today’s coffee nuts might appreciate. Let us know what you think of this one:
Crust Coffee:
Brown in oven to almost charring, outside crusts, slices, or any small pieces of white, rye or Graham bread (the latter is richer and gives a finer flavor). being as careful as in roasting coffee that it is not burned. Make in proportion of two quarts hot water to four or five slices or their equivalent in small pieces and boil from an hour to an hour and a half and serve as other coffee, which it should resemble in color.